I rejoiced with those who said to me,
“Let us go to the house of the Lord.”

At St. Paul we gather before our gracious God to offer him our worship and praise.  We assemble to hear God's Holy Word and celebrate his life-giving Sacraments. Through these means God strengthens our faith and walks us ever closer to our eternal home with him in heaven.  You’re welcome to join us!

How do I know what to do? We’ll do our best to help you follow along. Printed worship folders are available to guide you through the service. They include the order of service, hymns, and Bible readings. We also project the words of the service and hymns so everyone can follow along. Lutheran worship is specifically designed to allow everyone to participate. Many of the elements of the service have ancient roots in the Christian church.  Some are very recent. Everything is meant to point us to Jesus Christ, our Savior.

What about kids? Our congregation is much like a family with infants, young children, teens, and adults and elderly. We’re convinced that worshipping together is one of the best ways for a family to grow in their faith together. It is not unusual to hear the cry of a baby mixed in with the sound of hymns or readings. If, however, at any time you feel the need, we have a cry room with a view into the sanctuary and a live audio feed. Across the hall is a room designed especially for nursing mothers.

Is your facility accessible? Our entire facility is on one level, so there’s need to worry about steps. Men’s and women’s bathrooms are right off our gathering area. A large print version of the service folder is available for those who need to have the words a little larger. For those who are hard of hearing, an audio loop system can connect the pastor’s microphone directly to many hearing aids. We also have a sign language interpreter for the 8:00am service most Sundays.

What’s your practice for Holy Communion? Communion is offered on the second and last Sundays of each month. We practice close communion, so members of other Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) or Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) churches are welcome to participate. If you are not a WELS or ELS member, we ask that you please speak to a pastor before joining us in communion.

What do I do after worship? Our pastors will be out in the gathering area to greet everyone. Following the service, feel free to stay and visit. We’re a family at St. Paul, and that time before and after worship is when we catch up on life and stay in touch.

Do I have to sign anything? Not if you don’t want to. But if you do want us to get to know you better or would like to have one of our pastors contact you, stop by the welcome center. It’s the big island in the gathering area. Fill out a “Welcome” form and drop it in the slot.